A cold trickle of water slowly makes its way through my hair and down my back, making me shiver and gives me the ever present reminder that I am/was not at home.
A little malnourished kid is abandoned on the side of the road. Why? You may ask, his mom died and his dad doesn’t want to be responsible. So bad is this little kid off that he looses his eyesight.
A child screams and runs out of the house as their angry, drunken father stagers into the room.
A young teen girl shakes with fear along a cold stony cell wall trying to drown out the pain of what has happened to her in the passed couple of hours. It seems to her as if this must be the end of all hope.
Tragedy strikes and we are forced to look at reality again. Our lives are just but for a day!
Here in Southern Ontario we are protected from a lot. Thanks to the News Media it is almost our only way of staring devastation in the face. Yet we have tragedy and heartbreak right here on our back door. We are so protected from everything around us.
Yet one could get so depressed by looking at all the terrible things around us and because your or my day maybe going a little backwards. But when you look at just simply all the regular things that God has blessed us with it overwhelms me every time.
Let me back up a bit to where this all started……..
With my job I spend a lot of time on the Internet, and in this case Twitter and everybody was talking about the devastating sites of Alberta. It is very devastating, and the reality stares us all in the face. If you were ordered to leave your house and you had twenty minutes to get out of there, what would you all grab? Where would you go? What would you do? How would you emotionally respond?
That night me and some of my sisters were riding home in the car and as always listening to one of our favorite groups, it was an old CD and it was good to hear all those favorites again. The song came on “Count Your Blessings”. And that is how this all started.
So I have come to count my blessings… one by one…
I want to start with the most important blessing of all and that is Jesus Christ. I am thankful that He saw us down here on earth as sin sick people in need of a Savior. I am also thankful that He was willingly to leave heaven, come to earth as a man sacrificing His own life for my sin and the rest of the world’s so that we would have the gift of having salvation and eternal life!
I am thankful that it’s an all-sufficient gift. God didn’t just choose a few people to except this Perfect Gift, but it is available to all.
I am thankful that God is Faithful. One of my favorite songs is an old song titled “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” As a kid I disliked the song for the sole purpose that it took …so long to sing… but when I grew older and grasped the depth of the words of the song if forever became a favorite.
“Great is Thy faithfulness, Oh God my Father, There is no Shadow of Turning with Thee, Thou changest not,… Pardon for sin and peace that endureth,… Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, Blessings all Mine with Ten Thousands beside…”
…and forever I will sing.
I am thankful for parents. I am thankful that they love God and serve Him with everything that they have. I am thankful that they love me and the rest of my siblings.
Something else that I’m thankful for that I haven’t mentioned yet. I am thankful for the Church and that is not just the local Body of Believers that I choose to apart of but that also includes the Global Body of Believers that because of Jesus Blood we are apart of this Body and are unified as the Global Church. My reason behind this one is because when you are miles away from home and a lady walks up to you and with a hug and her broken English cries the words “Jesus Bless You!” It warms every bone in your body, and even though the communication with her is difficult at best, it’s Jesus Christ that bonded our hearts!
Tonight, I have a house to sleep in. I have a warm bed. My parents and my siblings are safely all under the same roof, I have food to eat, cloths to wear, and no foreseeable threats to any of my family or our belongings.
I could go on naming all the things that I am thankful for because I am not near done, but then this poor blog post would sit forever in draft mode and you would never have the opportunity of reading it because I would never get done with my list.
I challenge you to consider what you are thankful for, maybe it isn’t much but write it down, make a list, keep adding to it. Focus your life at counting your blessings. It has a way of changing your perspective on a lot of things!
Even when the day is going completely backwards.
Hey, you still have something to be thankful for. At least it wasn’t raining, or maybe it did rain… at least it rained because it watered all the freshly planted soil!
And when the shower is cold and cold water trickles down your back remember you could be bathing in ice cubes!
“Count your blessings… again… and again… and again… and all of a sudden you’ll have blessings you didn’t know you have.”