Sunday, February 21, 2016

Changing Our/Your Church, from a Church to a Church

They cry but no one sees them.

They scream but its not heard.

They run and no one stops them.

They hide because no one hears them.

They wallow in there pain and slowly slip through the cracks, well we stand idly by, watching it all happen. Instead of helping them out we criticize them.

We have depression issues and instead of showing them Jesus, we either tell them to get over it or put them on pills. I do realize sometimes it is a medical need.

Instead of helping the victims we praise and lift up the victimizer to the point he or she can do no wrong. Pulling our victims down even further to the point they have no hope and no escape.

Thus, leading the way for those behind then to repeat this process again, and again, and again, and we wonder what is wrong with our churches.

We've watched this go on for years, decades and even centuries, yet we still sit here and wonder. What is wrong with our/your church?

The hurting people around us continue to faint and fall and yet we sit idly by and do nothing about it.

To be free from bondage is anybody's dream why then those of us who are free in Christ sit here and do nothing about it...

Where are you men and women of God?

When will we who know the truth stand up for what we believe? And follow God's two greatest commandments.

First to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and Second, to love our neighbor as ourselves or as Christ loved His Church. If I may jog your memory, Christ died for you, so how far are you willing to go for that hurting person in your Church or community?

"Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." This the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22: 36-39NKJV

What if we acted on the benefits of others instead of focusing solely on ourselves?

What would happen if we actually considered loving our neighbor better then ourselves?

We've already proven we can band together to save the needy in a foreign country.

I ask you, can you band together with believers in Christ to rescue your physical Church neighbor (the one who is suffering and hurting) from hell and damnation and show them Jesus Christ?

As Believers in Jesus it is our responsibility to make sure that every hurting and lost soul hears of the Truth of Jesus Christ, the Truth that will set them free from their bondage.

We will never change the world by going to Church in a physical building and having Sunday service.

We will only change the world, once we discover the benefits of courageously standing out and serving our neighbor as the Church of Jesus Christ and that's not in a physical sense.

Are you willing to allow your Church to become not just a physical building but rather a group of worldwide believers who represent Jesus Christ? That's a pretty high calling, because to be a Christian means you walk as Christ did.

Or are we supposed to be nothing more that a group of people represented by a steeple, two by fours, insulation, doors, a few benches, and a name printed on the front of your building.

Some how I don't believe this was Christ's intent when He said "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19NKJV

I believe that if we finally got this figured out it would do number FOR the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

How far are you willing to go, for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Are you willing to stand alone physically, in order to rescue the hurting souls around you?

I ask you, what are you willing to do?

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